We, Ghassan Aboud Group Company, represented by its owner, Mr. Ghassan Aboud, submit, in our name and in the name of Dr. Muhammad Ammar Martini, to Aman International Company for debt collection on the cases that were entrusted by us to them, and with all pride and gratitude, and for the many achievements they have made throughout the process of working on the cases, and we therefore value all the efforts. This is evidence that you are worthy of taking on complex and complex issues, as you are people who are trusted to find a solution to them, and you have contributed to the advancement of the work to provide the best that can be provided, and which have provided the company with many important achievements.
If this indicates anything, it indicates your sincerity, loyalty, hard work, and strenuous efforts for which you did not expect a day of thanks or praise. Therefore, we are pleased to extend to you the abundant thanks that you deserve.